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4 shirts for €99
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How do you choose the right shirt for you?
2 min reading time

How do you choose the right shirt for you?

Choosing the colour and pattern of your shirt isn't easy enough, but you also have to be careful to select the size and shape that will make you look your best.

Choosing the right size and cut

Shirts have a specific cut that adapts to the body according to the size of the wearer. The shirt should fit snugly around the upper body. It should not be too loose around the shoulders and bust. In theory, the shoulder seams should fall to the end of the shoulders (this rule should not be followed to the letter, especially if you want to go for the oversized look). To look good in your shirt, it shouldn't be too tight at the armhole, otherwise any movement you make will be impeded. The seams should be straight and not twisted, which is the sign of a quality shirt. For the cut, CAFÉ COTON offers two models: 'slim' and 'regular'.

How do you choose the right shirt for you?
How do you choose the right shirt for you?
How do you choose the right shirt for you?

For the ladies

Shirts are a timeless part of a woman's wardrobe. They can be dressed up with a pair of pegged trousers and pumps, or down with jeans and trainers.
Just as no two women are the same, all our shirts have their own particularities. But we're here to help you choose the one that suits you best.

If you're a slimmer woman, a slim-fitting shirt will look great on you and show off your waist. You can also opt for an oversized look by adding extra fabric to your shirt. On the other hand, if you're a little curvy, it's best to avoid the oversized look and choose a shirt that's tailored to your size and will highlight your curves. Finally, if you have broad shoulders, you can lengthen your silhouette with a pretty, flowing shirt that falls to your thighs.

CAFÉ COTON also offers shirt dresses, the perfect alternative between a dress and a shirt. You can cinch it with a belt or leave it open for layering with shorts and a T-shirt underneath.

How do you choose the right shirt for you?
How do you choose the right shirt for you?

For gentlemen

Originally, the shirt was a man's garment that reflected the wearer's social class. Nowadays, shirts are less formal and can be worn more casually for a chilled but elegant look. It's important to choose the right size for your shirt. Over-sized shirts can give you an oversized look that, if not handled properly, can be unattractive. On the other hand, a shirt that fits too snugly can give the impression that you're cramped into your clothes. The CAFÉ COTON team advises you to choose the right size. For athletic men, be sure to measure the size of your neck so that the collar is not too tight.

CAFÉ COTON offers two cuts: "slim" and "regular". Choose the 'slim' cut if you're rather slim or if you have a narrow waist and pronounced shoulders (in short, men with either a V or an I shape). The regular cut will suit you perfectly if you want to hide small curves. Avoid this cut if you're really slim.
You can make your shirt your own by wearing it with a tie for special occasions, with the top buttons open for a more relaxed look, or completely unbuttoned with a t-shirt underneath.

CAFÉ COTON can help

If you're feeling lost, don't hesitate to use our made-to-measure sizing guide on the site. It's so easy to use! Click on "What's my size" on the product page. This highly intuitive tool comes with a very precise size guide.

25 août 2023